Saturday, July 10, 2004

Update from Leeanne Lewis

Hi Everyone,

Doug is still stable. They've lowered his sedative. Today when I got there I told him he was doing great and said that if he understood me to squeeze my finger...he did! They were doing dialysis early in the AM, no plasmaphersis pending test results. They've started some of the new chemo drugs. He moved his head a bit in my direction when I changed to the other side of the bed. He actually tried to shift positions and get up. All good indicators that he is aware that I am there and is very unhappy about being tied down. Beyond that there is nothing else to report. The oncologist came and confirmed that Doug is indeed doing great. It is all we can hope for right now. They are taking good care of him (now). Don't know yet when they plan on pulling him out of this coma. I suspect sometime early in the week. Naturally I plan on being there to make sure everyone does their job right and things go smoothly! ;o) We don't want or need anymore screw ups.
That's it. I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather we're having.
Thanks for your continued prayers and well wishes.
He isn't out of the woods by a looooooong mile yet.


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